Week 6: Library skills (part 1)

Oct. 3 – Oct. 9

This is a light week on content, so use it to catch up on anything you are behind on, or get ahead on the other courses so you’re ready for some excellent work in future weeks here. On Friday, you’ll get to grapple with questions about which types of materials to use in what ways for future projects: it’s not as easy as it sounds!

And make Wednesday a meaningful break for you, of course.

Unless otherwise noted, all assignments and tasks are due by 11:59PM. I strongly suggest you keep a healthy life-work balance and make sure to get enough sleep. Check the “best-before dates” policy in the syllabus.

  • □ Look ahead at the readings and tasks for this week, and plan in when you will do them.
  • – This prevents last minute panic, and means you can make the most of our time together in class..
  • □ EXTENSION on best before date for Weekly Report (aka “5-15”) covering week 5: now due tonight as a blog post in category HST269. Thanks!
  • □ Feedback on your fellow students’ posts:
  • – Read through and use Hypothes.is (Group HST269)  to comment on your fellow students’ posts: everybody likes some encouragement! Here is a random selection of three posts. If two or more posts are the same, or one is your own, just refresh the page for a different set. It’s all random, it’s all good! 
  • * Post 1:
  • * Post 2:
  • * Post 3:
  • No class today: Yom Kippur
  • □ Make sure to prepare for tomorrow’s class!
  • Prepare before class
  • Trexler Library Subject Guide: Article exercise: At the very top of the page you find links to 6 articles. Check in this Google Sheet which article you are assigned, and read through it. Take brief notes (for reference in class) on what you see as strengths and weaknesses of the article.
  • □ Meeting in Trexler Library, Information Commons, 9.30AM
  • Turn right as you enter the library, and walk all the way to the coffee machines. The Information Commons is right there. (And yes, you can bring coffee into the room)
  • □ Rest day

Where to get help:

  • Tea Room on Discord:
    • open anytime for you
    • I will be hosting Tue 2PM-3PM; Wed. 11AM-12PM, or at other times by appointment via Google Calendar. You can also find me in my office during Tea Room times.
    • Private room for confidential chat available on request.
  • Discord Channel #hst269 and the (anonymous) Padlet (both also useful for chatting, sharing fun stuff)
  • DLAs: Digital Learning Assistants: schedule coming soon!
  • Writing Center: Sunday-Wednesday: 3:30 – 5:30 pm and 7-11 pm; Thursday: 3:30 – 5:30 pm and 7-9 pm; drop in or make an appointment
  • Trexler Library Course Subject Guide: our own dedicated subject guide for the course 
  • Safety on/around campusreport an incident