Second Reflection

Reflection No. 2

WHEN: Friday, Nov. 4, 11.59PM, but let me know if a later date works better for you.

WHY: You can compare with your previous reflection and/or mid-term check-in conversation, and see if you followed up on what you identified as strengths, or areas to work on, and how that translates into improved insights and performance or confidence in the course or other areas.

HOW: Write as a blog post, or share with me as a Google doc with commenting access.

WHAT: 500-800 words, using the prompts below 👇🏻

We’re two-thirds through the semester (believe it or not), so time to stop and take stock once again! The main task of the reflections is to think about your work and learning in the course from a higher perspective than the immediate course contents and “nose to the grindstone” approach we have in the week-to-week rhythm with course content and work on Show and Tell projects.

Here are some questions and prompts to get you thinking about your learning and thinking, i.e.: they are “meta-cognitive” (from the ancient Greek, meaning “about/above your knowledge/thinking”, not just made up by a certain social media company!). Illustrate with concrete examples but draw out the bigger picture conclusions. Engage with at least 2 of the following prompts:

  • “When I look back at the start of the semester, and what I felt, knew and did then, and I compare to what I know, feel and do now in this course, I ….” [fill out as appropriate]
  • “Am I doing what is necessary to get beyond the surface meaning of the course materials or what I encounter in my project materials, and able to communicate effectively my ideas about complex historical ideas? What can I do to still improve in my approach to sources (primary and secondary), and to become a better historian?” (Trust me, there is is always room for improvement, even for professionals after a decades-long career.)
  • This course does not have exams, but uses weekly reports and a projects-based approach, and sharing your learning with your fellow students instead. How does that format help or hinder you to explore new knowledge and demonstrate what you learned? What are you learning about yourself as a student through this process?
  • What are skills, techniques or insights and perspectives you learned in this course so far (contents or otherwise) that you feel you can apply in other courses, or even outside college?
  • Optional extra: Based on your reflection, your growth during the semester, and the work you’ve put into the course so far, what grade would you assign yourself at this point in the semester, and why?


I wrote a reflection of 500-800 words on my learning in the course so far, using 2 of the 4 prompts provided
I made sure to use concrete examples from my blog, project or class to illustrate my observations
I submitted the assignment in one of the requested formats:
– blog post in category HST269 OR
– Google Doc shared with Dr. D