First Reflection

Time estimate: 1-2 hrs (to gather evidence, to reflect, and to write)

WHAT: a 500-800 word reflection, submitted as either a blog post, a Google Doc or a rtf doc (no MS Word files, please, my computer doesn’t do Word)

More details: We are now five weeks into the semester, and I would like you to take the time to reflect on your learning in this course so far. It is also an invitation to look back to your goals from the “start of semester reflection,” and see how those are shaping up. Write a 500-800 word piece, using some the following questions as a jumping off point for considering where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, and maybe even where you’d like to go. Engage with the themes of two of the bullet points below, and use these to craft a coherent piece that shows me how you’re taking this course as a way to hone your research and writing skills. Illustrate with concrete examplesshow, don’t just tell!

  • How have you engaged with the course materials? What would you like to improve in your preparation and participation (which includes writing the weekly posts, as well as coming to class, participating in the sessions and in small groups? What are you doing well?
  • What have you learned in this course so far, in contents and/or in historical skills? What are some of the threads or overarching topics you are identifying? What in your work so far makes you say: “yes, I am thinking like a historian”? Have you applied any of these skills in other courses?
  • How would you evaluate your “thoughtful participation in the Learning Commons” so far? What have you done that fits with the syllabus description of that component, and how can you see yourself expanding that category and/or your participation in future weeks?
  • What have you learned in this course that you have not yet been able to/ cannot share in an assignment?

WHY: These reflections help me understand how you learn, and how I can best support your learning. I also hope you use this as a moment to think about your goals for the course, and, if necessary how you can push the reset button on your engagement with the course, and commit anew to your goals for this course.

You will develop your metacognitive skills (meaning: “knowing what you know”) throughout this semester with more of these reflections. This is a very valued skill for future employers and will also serve you well in a more independent career path, by the way.

HOW: Write as a blog post in category hst269, or email me a Google doc or rtf doc.