Week 15: Qing and Europeans

Dec. 5 – Dec. 9

Final push! If you stayed on track during the semester, this week and next should be your victory lap, and your time to show off your freshly gained skills and knowledge as a historian of China!

Unless otherwise noted, all assignments and tasks are due by 11:59PM. I strongly suggest you keep a healthy life-work balance and make sure to get enough sleep. Check the “best-before dates” policy in the syllabus.

  • □ Look ahead at the readings and tasks for this week, and plan in when you will do them.
  • – This prevents last minute panic, and means you can make the most of our time together in class
  • □ Feedback on your fellow students’ posts: (last time!)
  • – Read through and use Hypothes.is (Group HST269)  to comment on your fellow students’ posts: everybody likes some encouragement! Here is a random selection of three posts. If two or more posts are the same, or one is your own, just refresh the page for a different set. It’s all random, it’s all good! 
  • * Post 1:

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  • * Post 2:

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  • * Post 3:

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  • Prepare before class: Readings
  • *  Spence, Johnathan D. Emperor of China: Self-portrait of K’ang-hsi. London: Pimlico, 1992. (“Thinking”, pp.61-89.)
    • PDFFocus on pp. 72-86 (pp. 11-25 of the PDF): What are the causes for the friction between the Western Christians (mainly but not exclusively Jesuits), and the Kangxi emperor?
    • – Note: Spence writes in the voice of the Kangxi emperor, based on the available historical records. The method is creative, but the content is fully based on available historical documents. Find out more about the emperor, and Spence’s process from p. 30 onwards of the PDF.
  • * Carter, James. “Lord Macartney, China, and the Convenient Lies of History”. Supchina, Sept. 8, 2020.
  • □ Meeting in Ettinger 213, 9.30AM
  • Slides (Google drive)
  • □ Make sure to prepare for tomorrow’s class!
  • Prepare before class
  • Big review exercise
  • – Look through the course materials from the past semester: check the Weekly Schedule, or read your Weekly Blog post to refresh your memory on where we’ve been and what we’ve seen. Take a few notes on what was remarkable, strange, interesting, and write down the name of the text/source: it will help us to make connections more easily!
  • □ Meeting in Ettinger 213, 9.30AM
  • – Big Review to help you see the Big Picture and prepare you for successful Final check in conversation and course evaluations (Link to canvas).
  •  – Slides (Google drive link)
  • Fourth Show and Tell Project: due at 11:59PM
  • Publish as a blog post or embed as a link in a blog post so your classmates can find it easily via the course blog stream– and future generations of students may enjoy it as well 😀 
  • □ Third reflection: due at 11:59PM
  • Find all the details on the dedicated webpage. Note that the contents/prompts are different each time, so check carefully!
  • □ Rest day
  • □ No Weekly Report required this week, but if you miss it, you may of course submit a blog post detailing your adventures in this week’s course materials. You know how!

Where to get help:

  • Tea Room on Discord:
    • open anytime for you
    • I will be hosting Tue 2PM-3PM; Wed. 11AM-12PM, or at other times by appointment via Google Calendar. You can also find me in my office during Tea Room times.
    • Private room for confidential chat available on request.
  • Discord Channel #hst269 and the (anonymous) Padlet (both also useful for chatting, sharing fun stuff)
  • DLAs: Digital Learning Assistants: check the schedule !
  • Writing Center: Sunday-Wednesday: 3:30 – 5:30 pm and 7-11 pm; Thursday: 3:30 – 5:30 pm and 7-9 pm; drop in or make an appointment
  • Trexler Library Course Subject Guide: our own dedicated subject guide for the course 
  • Safety on/around campusreport an incident