Finals Week (Dec. 13 – Dec. 18)

Woohoo! We made it!! Just one more thing this week and this course is all done and dusted!

Final check-in

Make sure you have your project finished and emailed me that it’s ready for review 24 hours before your final check-in.

Make an appointment with me for your final check-in. The final grade for the course is based on your honest, realistic assessment of your effort, growth and achievements during this semester. Please use the appointments page. (20mins slots)

Prepare for the conversation with the following prompts. Be sure to have concrete examples on hand as evidence for your claims!

  • Look through your third reflection and all your work done this term.
  • Think about the component “Thoughtful participation in the Learning Commons“: were you a good colleague to your fellow students? How did you make a difference?
  • What have you learned about yourself as a historian, as a student? What surprised you?
  • What will you do differently next semester/in future semester, or what did you learn this semester that you will apply to courses next semester? (this can be about history, about being a member of a classroom community, about professionalism, etc)
  • Was there anything you learned but did not get a chance to demonstrate in an assignment?

At the end, I will ask what you think your final grade for the course as a whole should be. This is not just based on how well you did in your project(s), but also on how you have engaged with feedback, how you have learned to engage with historical materials, and how you were “present” in class and in the course (in the widest sense of the word: as a community member and contributor).

The grades for the class are as follows, with + and – available for some extra nuance:

  • A= strong
  • B= satisfactory
  • C= weak
  • D= very weak
  • F= unsatisfactory

I reserve the right to make adjustments if you shoot for an unrealistically high or low grade.

Well done!

You got through another semester at Muhlenberg!! Well done! Time for a well-deserved break. I wish you and yours all the best for a healthy, happy and safe winter break ☃️🕯🎇

I hope you enjoyed the course, learning about history, figuring out how to create your own project and be a project manager, and the birds (not necessarily in that order). Feel free to to drop in during my “Office hours” or whatever Get Stuff Done Club becomes next semester, and keep me up to date with your adventures. The Zoom link will stay the same, and I’ll advertise the times on my main website.

© Carl Bovis, Robin in the Snow